Seymour Papert
Seymour Papert (29 Februari 1928 - 31 Juli 2016) uyito-yito ngota matematikawan MIT, ilmuwan komputer, wawu pendidik terkemuka.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]- Should the computer program the kid or should the kid program the computer?
- Musi komputer u memprogram wala'o mealo wala`o u memprogram komputer?
- Many children who grow up in our cities are surrounded by the artifacts of science but have good reason to see them as belonging to "the others"; in many cases they are perceived as belonging to the social enemy.
- Dadaata mongowala`o u tilumumula to kota-kota ito helilio ole artefak-artefak ilmu pongotota, dabo o alasani u molotolo mayi momilohe olimongoliyo odelo tayadu londo “yang lain”; modelomo dadaata kasus, timongoliyo dianggap odelo musuh sosial.