Robert Pinsky
Robert Pinsky (lahir 20 Oktober 1940) uyito-yito ngota penyair, ta loluladu esai, kritikus sastra, wawu tamotarjama asali Amerika Serikat. Lonto taawunu 1997 sambe 2000, tiyo menjabat lowali Konsultan Penyair Pemenang Puisi ode Perpustakaan Kongres.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]- I am very interested in memorization which is the process of incorporating a poem, so, I would say the kind of poetry I write is the kind that emphasises the physical qualities of the words.
- Waatiya tertarik da`a to penghafalan, u mowali proses penggabungan puisi, lowali, modungohe olaatiya, jenis puisi u tulade laatiya uyito-yito jenis puisi u menekankan kualitas fisik lo`iya.
- Poetry is the most bodliy of arts, the medium of poetry is the column of breath rising from the diaphragm in the individual's chest to be shaped into meaning sounds inside the mouth of whoever undertakes to say the poem.
- Puisi uyito-yito seni u bertubuh da`a, media puisi uyito-yito kolom nafas u mobotula lonto diafragma to duhelo seseorang ode dibentuk mowali suara u bermakna to delomo mulut siapa pun u molapali puisi boyito.