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Peter Drucker

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Peter Ferdinand Drucker (19 November 1909 - 11 November 2005) uyito-yito ngota ta loluladu, konsultan manajemen, wawu profesor universitas lo pilotutua Austria. To taaunu 1943, tiyo mowali warga lipu naturalisasi Amerika Serikat. Tiyo mongaajari to Universitas New York wawu Universitas Pascasarjana Claremont

  • No society can function as a society, unless it gives the individual member social status and function, and unless the decisive social power is legitimate.
    • Diila o masyarakat u mowali berfungsi odelo masyarakat, kecuali wonu masyarakat boyito mongohi status wawu pungsi sosial ode timi idu anggotanya, wawu kecuali wonu lotolo sosial u molandu uyito-yito sah.
  • In the modern corporation the decisive power, that of the managers, is derived from no one but the managers themselves controlled by nobody and nothing and responsible to no one. It is in the most literal sense unfounded, unjustified, uncontrolled and irresponsible power.
    • To perusahaan modern, kekuasaan u molandu, de uyito-yito manajer-manajer, diila lonto tatoonu olo kecuali lonto manajer-manajer boyito tutuawu u diila kawasa ole tatoonu olo wawu diila bertanggung tameto ode tatoonu olo. To boli u da`a harfiah, botiya uyito-yito kekuasaan u diila berdasar, diila mowali pobanariyolo, diila terkendali, wawu diila bertanggung jawab.