Paul Allen
Paul Gardner Allen (21 Januari 1953 - 15 Oktober 2018) uyito-yito la`ia tuawu bisnis, investor, wawu filantropis Amerika Serikat. Tiyo mopotihula Microsoft sama-sama wolo te Bill Gates.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]- I simply wanted to advance the field of artificial intelligence so that computers could do what they do best (organize and analyze information) to help people do what they do best, those inspired leaps of intuition that fuel original ideas and breakthroughs.
- Waatiya bo ohila memajukan bidang lo kecerdasan buatan sambe komputer mowali mohutu wolo u pohutuo limongoliyo lo`u mopiyohu (mengatur wawu menganalisis informasi) momandu mayi tau mohutu wolo u pohutuo limongoliyo lo`u mopiohu, tayango intuisi u mengilhami u memicu ide-ide orisinal wawu terobosan.
- Others might have found us eccentric, but I didn’t care. I had discovered my calling. I was a programmer.
- Tau uewo mungkin menganggap ami eksentrik, dabo waatiya diila peduli. Waatiya lo`otapu panggilan laatiya. Waatiya uyito-yito ngota programmer.