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Munir Said Thalib

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Munir Said Thalib (8 Desember 1965 – 7 September 2004) uyito tangota aktivis hak asasi manusia to Indonesia.

Tomimbihu te Munir

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After Munir was assassinated, the Right Livelihood Foundation of Sweden, which had awarded him their prestigious 2000 prize for his work to gain civillian control over the Indonesian Military and expose military atrocities, issued this statement:

  • "Human rights in the sense of human solidarity has created a new universal and equal language going beyond racial, gender, ethnic or religious boundaries. That is why we consider it a doorway to dialogue for people of all socio-cultural groups and all ideologies."

Yilapatiyo ma'o te Munir pilate, Yayasan Right Livelihood Swedia, ta longohi oliyo penghargaan uda'a taawunu 2000 tomimbihu usahaliyo alihu sipil mongaturu militer to Indonesia wawu mopolele kekejaman militer, lopoluwalo pernyataan botiya:

  • "Hak asasi manusia to delomo ma'ana solidaritas manusia ma lowali bahasa universal wawu ngopilopota bohu limbataliyo batas ras, gender, etnis, meyalo agama. Uwitolo sababuliyo ami ma longanggapu uwito ma lowali huhebu uda'a ode nga'amila tawu monto nga'amila lembo'a sosial budaya wawu nga'amila ideologi."

Pranala Luar

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