Michel Sabbah
Michel Sabbah (pilotutuliyo to 19 Maret 1933) yito Uskup Agung wawu Patriark Latin lonto Yerusalem monto tawunu 1987 sambe 2008, tawu non-Italia bungaliyo udihu-dihu jabatani botiye lapato udelo limo lo abati.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]“ | Nobody can tell us Christians how to dress, how to live or how to pray. | ” |
- Tarjamah : Dilawoluwo tawu mowali molele olanto tawu lo Kristen wololo cara lo’u mohibo’o, wololo cara lo’u tumumulo, wawu wololo cara lo’u modu’a.
- Quote from a statement made during his visit to Gaza City on possible implementation of Islamic fundamentalist internal policies like mandatory hijab and other measures under Hamas rule|publisher=BBC News|date=22 December 2007
- Lumadu monto peryataan u pilohutu liyo to’u kunjunganiliyo ode Kota Gaza mengenai kemungkinan penerapan kebijakan internal Islamic fundamentalistmadelo hijab wajib wawu tindakan uwewoliyo ma’o.under Hamas rule|publisher=BBC News|date=22 December 2007.
- Quote from a statement made during his visit to Gaza City on possible implementation of Islamic fundamentalist internal policies like mandatory hijab and other measures under Hamas rule|publisher=BBC News|date=22 December 2007