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Max Scheler

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'Max Ferdinand Scheler

Max Ferdinand Scheler (22 Agustus 1874, Munich – 19 Mei 1928, Frankfurt am Main) yito tawungota filsuf Jerman u terkenal sababu karyaliyo todelomo fenomenologi (filsafat), etika, wawu antropologi filosofis.


Ressentiment must therefore be strongest in a society like ours, where approximately equal rights (political and otherwise) or formal social equality, publicly recognized, go hand in hand with wide factual differences in power, property, and education.
Tarjamah : " Ressentiment Sababu liyo musi lebe mo'ohu'u todelomo lo masyarakati madelo ito, to'utonu hak-hak u ngope'e sama (politik wawu uwewoliyo ma'o) wawu kesetaraan sosial formal, u ilkuyi lo publik, nanaowa sama-sama wolo perbedaan fakta u motaggalo wolo hal kekuasaan, properti, wawu pendidikan."


  • L. Coser, trans. (1973), p. 50