Kuruvilla Pandikattu
Kuruvilla Pandikattu (lahir 28 November 1957) uyito-yito ngota pendeta, fisikawan, wawu filsuf asali India. Ta loluladu 24 buku, tiyo lomongaajari wawu lo-mongohi lo-mokulia pasali dialog sains-agama, gaya tumu-tumula berkelanjutan wawu spiritualitas kontemporer.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]- Ethics is doing the right thing when no one is watching, especially when you think no one ever will.
- Etika uyito-yito mohutu hale u banari to`u diila o tau ta momilohu, terutama to`u timongoli momikiirangi uyito-yito diila woluwo u momilohu.
- Honesty is the best policy, not the easiest nor the most popular.
- Kejujuran uyito-yito kebijakan mopiohu, diila u termudah mealo u da`a populer.
- In the world of ethics, shortcuts often lead to dead ends.
- To dunia etika, jalan pintas layito berujung to jalan buntu.