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Jaquira Díaz

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Jaquira Díaz

Jaquira Díaz yito tawu ngota taa hemoluladu silita fiksi, kritikus budaya wawu hemoluladu essai.

  • I was in a state of rage, also. I was so angry and I couldn't really explain why. I didn't have the language for it. And so I turned to what I knew, I remembered the kind of woman my mother had been — in a lot of ways, I was acting out, I was performing the same thing.
    • Wa'u olo moyingo. Wa'u moyingo da'a wawu diila motota mojolasi mayi yilongola odito. Waw'u diila o tombango mopiyohu tomimbihu uwito. Da wa'u mohuwalinga'o ode wolo u otawa'u, ela'u mayi wololo ti mama'u omo-omolu - to delomo u ngohuntuwa, wa'u berakting, wa'u olo hemohutu odito.
      • Tomimbihu mowali nakaliyolo Interview with NPR (2019)