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Jack Valenti

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To butola lo politik, dilata posinggungi pribadi lo tawu - wonu diila, pito metobu'a modelomo.

Jack Joseph Valenti (5 September 1921 – 26 April 2007) botiya tawu ngota balante opongaru to Amerika wawu lohihewo dihu-dihu jabatan presiden Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).

  • I sleep each night a little better, a little more confidently, because Lyndon Johnson is my president. For I know he lives and thinks and works to make sure that for all America and indeed, the growing body of the free world, the morning shall always come.
    • Watiya motuluhe membiyongo mopiyohu timi'idu huyi, lebe paracaya to batanga lohihilawo, sababu te Lyndon Jhonson presiden latiya. Sababu otawa latiya tito tumu-tumulo, hemomikilangi, wawu hemokalaja mopatato ode nga'amila Amerika wawu olo, ode ngotupa lo duniya ubebasi, dumodupo layito medungga lo'u mopiyohu.
      • Address before the Advertising Federation of America convention, Boston, Massachusetts (28 June 1965); published in the Congressional Record (7 July 1965) Vol. 111, Appendix, p. A3583

  • A huge parasite in the marketplace, feeding and fattening itself off of local television stations and copyright owners of copyrighted material. We do not like it because we think it wrong and unfair.