Indonesia yito negara maradeka bilulo'aliyo to Asia Tenggara. Negara Indonesia botiya motanggalo wolo 33 provinsi wawu 17.508 pulo. Ibukota lo negara Indonesia to Kota Jakarta.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]- One of the things that I always valued so much about Indonesia, when I was growing up, was people were devout Muslims but they also tolerated to others, other cultures.
- tala tuwawu u heharaga latiya tomimbihu Indonesia, sa'ati watiya tilumumula lonto u kiki'o teeto, de'uwitoyito pendudukliyo agama Isilamu ta'ati dabo timongoliyo olo teloransi wolo budaya lo tawu weewo.
- Barack Obama, Interview with Obama Eksklusif RCTI Bersama Putra Nababan in the White House March 2010
- The Australian government never comments on specific intelligence matters. I will never say or do anything that might damage the strong relationship and the close co-operation that we have with Indonesia, which is all in all, our most important relationship.
- Pamarenta lo Autralia dilata molo'iya tomimbihu masa'ala intelejen tuwawu. Watiya dilata mopolele meyalo mohutu wolo wawu wolo u mo'olomela hubungan mototoheto wolo Indonesia, hubungan u paralu da'a wolanto.
- Tony Abbott, quoted on BBC News, "Australia 'spied on Indonesia President Yudhoyono'" 18 November 2013, BBC News, British Broadcasting Corporation..