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Henry Stephens Salt

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Henry Stephens Salt

Henry Stephens Salt (20 September 185119 April 1939) yito tawungota penulis lo Enggeleti u berpengaruh wawu juru kampanye reformasi sosial to bidang panjara, sikola, lembaga ekonomi wawu perawatan hewan.

I shall die ... as I have lived, rationalist, socialist, pacifist, and humanitarian.
Tarjamah : " Wattiya mate...,madelo watiya tumulo tawungota rasionalis, sosialis, pasifis, wawu humanitarian."
  • As quoted in Henry Salt, Humanitarian Reformer and Man of Letters, George Hendrick, Illinois (1977).
    • Madelo yilumadeyi todelomo Henry Salt, Reformis Kemanusiaan wawu Sastrawan, George Hendrick, Illinois (1977).