Edward Said

Edward Said (1 November 1935 – 24 September 2003) yito tawungota Palestinian American teoretikus sastra wawu intelektual publik ta lilibati todelomo lopotihulo bidang teori-kritis pascakolonialisme.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]“ | When one learns something one first performs an act of will, because only by willing to learn can one learn. | ” |
- Tarjamah : " To’u tawungota mopobalajari uhituwawuwa, ubungaliyo tiyo musi o yinawo, sababu bo wanu tiyo o yinawo u mobalajari tiyo mowali mobalajari."
- "Vico: Autodidact and Humanist," The Centennial Review, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Summer 1967), p. 340
“ | Where cruelty and injustice are concerned, hopelessness is submission, which I believe is immoral. | ” |
- Tarjamah : "Wanu menyangkut kekejaman wawu ketidakadilan, keputusasaan uwito ketundukan, u menurut latiya dila bermoral."
- quoted in "Internal Exile" by Pankaj Mishra in The New Yorker, 2021
- yilumadeyi lonto "Internal Exile" ole Pankaj Mishra todelomo The New Yorker, 2021
- quoted in "Internal Exile" by Pankaj Mishra in The New Yorker, 2021