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Denis Diderot

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Denis Diderot

Denis Diderot (5 Oktober 1713 – 31 Juli 1784) tawungota filsuf lo Prancis wawu ta'uwa lo editor poroyek osojara uda'a uyilo'ohasili L'Encyclopédie.

  • From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step.
    • Monto fanatisme ode barbarisme yito bolo ngodiyambango.
      • Essai sur le Mérite de la Vertu (1745); a translation and adaptation of Inquiry concerning Virtue or Merit (1699) by Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury
  • When one compares the talents one has with those of a Leibniz, one is tempted to throw away one's books and go die quietly in the dark of some forgotten corner.
    • Wonu tawungota mopotadengo bakatliyo wolo bakat lo tawu Leibniz, tiyo maa ohama lo'u mopomahulo buku-bukuliyo wawu mate po'o-po'oyo to tutuliyo modi'olomo wawu maa olipata.
      • Oeuvres complètes, vol. 7, p. 678