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Conrad Aiken

Lonto Wikilumadu

Conrad Potter Aiken (5 Agustus 1889-17Agustus 1973) Tio boito tau penulis wau penyair Amerika.

  • Walk with me world, upon my right hand walk, speak to me Babel, that I may strive to assemble of all these syllables a single word before the purpose of speech is gone.
    • Tiyo na'o-na'o lo ola'uo to dunia botiye, to ulu'u owala na'o-na'o, lowungguli to' ola'u Babel, asali wa'u o' usaha mo tiambua londo ngaamila suku kata utiye tuweu lokata sebelum to tujuani lo pidato liyo.
      • "This image or another," The Nation (28 December 1932).