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Christopher Paolini

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Christopher Paolini (lahir 17 November 1983) uyito-yito ngota ta loluladu fiksi fantasi asali Amerika Serikat, u otawa da`a odelo ta loluladu siklus Inheritance.

  • It never struck me as interesting that I didn't go to school — we had our own little world. I always thought of kids who were going to regular school as if they're the others, the separate ones.
    • Diila porna lo-ilopikirangia uolaatia uyito-yito waatia diila lo siko-sikola - ami lo-woluwo dunia kiki'o ami tutuawu. Waatiya layito menganggap mongowala`o ta siko-sikola to sikola biasa madelo timongolio uyito-yito tau uewo, u meewiwi.
  • To search and seek among the outer bounds,
    And when we land upon a distant shore,
    To seek another yet farther still.
    • Mololohe wawu mololohe to wolota batas-batas diluuari,
      Wawu to`u ito molaahe to pendadu u molamingo,
      Untuk mololohe u uewo u lebe molamingo.