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Chris Patten

Lonto Wikilumadu

Christopher Francis Patten, Baron Patten of Barnes, CH, PC (lahir 12 Mei 1944) uyito-yito ngota politikus Inggris u mowali gubernur Hong Kong ke-28 wawu pulitio londo taaunu 1992 sambe 1997 wawu ta`ua partai konservatif londo taaunu 1990 sambe 1992.

  • It is not unusual for electorates to want contradictory things, and politicians often make promises accordingly.
    • Diila hale u mo`oheerani wonu pemilih-pemilih mohinggile hal-hal u kontradiktif, wawu politisi-politisi layito mongohi janji-janji u sesuai.
  • It matters to everyone of us that the press tell it as it is, not as the government wants us to hear.
    • Paralu uolando ngo`aa`ami uyito-yito pers mopohabari apa adanya, diila wolo u totombulua ohila dungohundo.