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Charles Abbott, 1st Baron Tenterden

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Charles Abbott, 1st Baron Tenterden ke-1 (7 Oktober 1762 - 4 November 1832), tiyo boyito tau pengacara wau hakim Inggris u jaba-jabati Ketua Hakim Agung to King's Bench antara tahun 1818 wau 1832.

  • "It is fit that justice should be administered with great caution."
    • Keadilan boito ma pantas u'tegakiyolo wau harus mo hati-hati."
      • Rex v. Bowditch (1818), 2 Chit. Rep. 281.
  • "Although our powers are great, they are not unlimited—they are bounded by some lines of demarcation."
    • "Openu kekuatan lando damango, tetap obatasi liyo—kekuatan boyito dibatasi lo beberapa garis demarkasi."
      • The King v. Justices of Devon (1819), 1 Chit. Rep. 37.