Anthony Scaramucci
Anthony Scaramucci (pilotutuliyo to 6 Januari 1964), dijuluki Si Penipu, tiyo yito tawungota tokoh politik wawu pemodal Amerika. To tanggal 21 Juli 2017, Scaramucci tilunggo'iyo umojabati lali Direktur Komunikasi Gedung Putih bopata'o iloliya lo jabataniliyo boyito bo mopulu huyi lapatiyo ma'o.
[boli'a | boli'a bungo]“ | I'm going to fire everybody — that’s how. You're either going to stop leaking, or you're going to get fired. If I've got to get the thing down to me and Sarah Huckabee, then the leaking will stop.
” |
- Quoted in "Scaramucci on Leaks: 'I'm Going to Fire Everybody'", by Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Maggie Haberman, The New York Times (July 25, 2017).
- Yilumadeyi todelomo "Scaramucci tentang Kebocoran: 'Saya Akan Memecat Semua Orang'", woli Julie Hirschfeld Davis wawu Maggie Haberman, The New York Times (25 Juli 2017).