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Anita Brookner

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Anita Brookner (16 Juli 1928-10 Maret 2016) Tiyo boito tau novelis wau sejarawan seni Inggris.

Look At Me (1983)

[boli'a | boli'a bungo]
  • "I saw the business of writing for what it truly was and is to me. It is your penance for not being lucky. It is an attempt to reach others and to make them love you. It is your instinctive protest, when you find you have no voice at the world's tribunals, and that no one will speak for you. I would give my entire output of words, past, present, and to come, in exchange for easier access to the world, for permission to state "I hurt" or "I hate" or "I want." Or, indeed, "Look at me." And I do not go back on this. For once a thing is known it can never be unknown. It can only be forgotten. And writing is the enemy of forgetfulness, of thoughtlessness. For the writer there is no oblivion. Only endless memory."
    • "Watiya lo'ondo bisnis moluladu madelo woluwo to'olatiya. Moluladu uwito penebusan dusa karna ja ilundungi. Moluladu uwito uupaya mojangkau tau-tauwalo wau uwito mowali mohutu timongoliyo mo'otohilawo to olando. Moluladu uwito madelo ito hemohutu protes naluriah to ulando, sa'ati yi'o mo'orasa ja o'suara to pengadilan dunia, wau diya'a tau mohuto mobisala lo olando. Ma pobiari ma'a latiya hasil karya latiya, baik u omo'omolu, masatiya, wau tomasa u' modungga mayi, uwito madelo imbalan lo akses u lebih, gambangi to dunia, po'otapu izini mopolele "watiya pali-pali" wau "watiya moyingo" wau "watiya hilamohama." Wau motandu uwito "bilohimota watiya." Wau watiya ja motariki ulangi u'mayilo pilolele botiye. Karna wanu mayilo otawa, hal boito jamowali o'otawa ulangi. Hal boito bo mowali olipato. Wau moluladu uwito musuh londo u' mo'olipato, londo kesembronoan. Wanu bagi lo talo'luladu diya'a u' olipato. Woluo bo'oela diya'a ujungi liyo."