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A Grain of Wheat

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A Grain of Wheat botiye tuladu (novel) totolu wawu terkenal da'a pilohutu liyo le Ngugi wa Thiong'o londo Kenya. Novel botiye sisilita wakutu to keadaan darurat to dolomo perjuangan kemerdekaan lo Kenya (1952-1959), fokus liyo tole Mugo ta popoo'yo, tumu-tumula a'aturu lo oluwo pilo tutu'o liyo to modiolomo.

  • As long as he did not know the truth, he could interpret the story in the only way that gave him hope: the coming of black rule would not mean, could never mean the end of white power.
    • Selama tiyo jamotota tonu u'banari, tiyo mowali menafsirkan silita uwito to wolo u'mongohi to'oliyo harapan. Maolowo ukuasawa moyisomo ja'o pengaruh liyo, ja pernah arti liyo momate u'moputiya
      • Narrator, Page 38