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Björn Andrésen

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Björn Johan Andrésen (pilotutu liyo 26 Januari 1955) tiyo aktr wau musisi Swedia.

  • I was just sixteen and Visconti and the team took me to a gay nightclub. Almost all the crew were gay. The waiters at the club made me feel very uncomfortable. They looked at me uncompromisingly as if I was a nice meaty dish. I knew I couldn't react. It would have been social suicide. But it was the first of many such encounters.
    • Umuru latia beheli mopulalomo taunu wau visconti serta tim loliyango latia to klub malam gay. Hampir nga'amila kru boito gay. Para pelayan to klub boito lohutu latia ja sanangi. Tingoliyo hemomilohu'u tampa hemomikirangi seolah-olah wa'u botiye hidangan u'tuatuango dagingi u'gaga.Otawa latia wanu watiya ja mowali mobereaksi. Uwito mamowali bunuh diri sosial. Namun uti pertemuan pertama londo dadata da'a pertemuan u'ngorupa.