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Archytas (428–347 SM), dari Tarentum, Magna Graecia, tiyo boyito Filsuf, matematikawan, astronom, negarawan, wau ahli strategi Yunani kuno.

  • That tho' a Man were admitted into Heaven to view the wonderful Fabrick of the World, and the Beauty of the stars, yet what would otherwise be Rapture and Extasie, would be but melancholy Amazement if he had not a Friend to communicate it to.
    • Wanu tangota pilomaso ulio todolomo suruga bo momilohu gaga lio lo dunia, wau gaga lio bintang-bintang, pata'o wollo u'tilanggula lio pengangkatan wau kegembiraan, hanyalah keheranan u' melankolis wanu tio jawoluo tamani u'mopolele uito.
      • Attributed to Archytus by Christiaan Huygens, The Celestial Worlds Discover'd (1722) Book 1, pt.4 and quoted by Arthur Beer, Vistas in Astronomy (1955) Vol.1 Cicero was reputed to have said the same thing.