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Albert Pierrepoint

Lonto Wikilumadu

Albert Pierrepoint (30 Maret 1905 - 10 Juli 1992) uyito-yito anggota koluarga Yorkshire u polu-polutu`a da`a, u moposadiya tolo Kepala Algojo Inggris to paruh pertama abad ke-20.

  • All the men and women whom I have faced at that final moment, convince me that in what I have done, I have not prevented a single murder.
    • Ngo`aa`ami tala`i wawu taabua u waatiya hadapi to saat-saat pulitio, lo-mopoyakini olaatia to modelomo wolo u lopohutuo laatiya, waatiya diila mencegah satu pun pembunuhan.
  • I have come to the conclusion that executions solve nothing, and are only an antiquated relic of a primitive desire for revenge which takes the easy way and hands over the responsibility for revenge to other people.
    • Waatiya sambe to kesimpulan bahwa eksekusi mate diila mopo`olapata apa pun, wawu bo mowali peninggalan kuno lonto hasrat primitif untuk membalas dendam u mohama cara gaambangi wawu mohudu tanggung jawab balas moyingo ode tau uewo.
  • The trouble with the death penalty has always been that nobody wanted it for everybody, but everybody differed about who should get off.
    • Palakala wolo hukuman mate uyito-yito diila woluwo u mohinggile oliyo ode ngo`aa`ami tau, dabo ngo`aa`ami tau berbeda pendapat pasali tatoonu u musi hukumanio mate.